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Research Themes

A slideshow of images from field expeditions across the globe

(click image to expand)

I am broadly interested in the ecology and resilience of tropical coral reef ecosystems in the midst of a myriad of human perturbations. Specifically, I am employing biogeochemical techniques to elucidate the effects of anthropogenic nutrient inputs on reef invertebrates. I have explored the connection between nitrogen isotope ratios and coral disease from Caribbean and Indo-Pacific reefs to test the hypothesis that human derived nutrients are exacerbating coral disease worldwide, which has led me to become an advocate for stable isotope monitoring (sources) as a supplement to conventional water quality programs (concentrations).

Additionally, I am determining how coral symbioses create records of environmental change. Using compounds enriched in heavy stable isotopes, I can trace the flow of light elements (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur) between the coral animal and its symbiotic algal symbionts. This work allows me to determine which corals are best for historical records of anthropogenic change, and offers some exciting new insights on the physiological ecology of the coral - algal symbiosis.


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